Friday, June 10, 2016

High Achievements by Illegal Immigrants

I'm going to be politically incorrect.  I'm going to use the word "illegal" to modify the noun "immigrant" where those immigrants either crossed the border illegally or overstayed their tourist visa.  "Undocumented worker" is not a proper label because it obscures the fact that these people didn't have a right to become documented in the first place.  They are undocumented because they broke the law.

Two women are in the news for having achieved high honors in high school despite being illegal aliens.  Their names are Larissa Martinez of McKinney and Meyte Larra Ibarra of San Antonio.

Both of these women rather arrogantly and flippantly announced their status as illegal aliens.  They both used the term "undocumented" to describe their status.

Larissa Martinez claims that the reason she is undocumented is that the immigration system is broken.  Wrong!  She is one of many people who would dearly love to get a green card.  She broke in line.  She disobeyed the rules.  She came here under a tourist visa, overstayed her welcome, and went into the shadows.  There was a limited number of permanent resident visas available.  It is not that the system is broken. There isn't enough room for everyone who wants a green card.  She broke in line and pushed her way to the front.

Larissa Martinez doesn't understand how lucky she is.  There was a time when the people of Texas didn't want to be slapped with the cost of educating people like her.  However, her allies filed a law suit in which our Supreme Court declared that even though she was not a legal resident, she still had a right under the 14th amendment to an equal education.  With that decision, border states were forced to start financing their ultimate destruction.

We can feel empathy for Larissa, if we assume she came from a home with domestic violence.  However, there is not room for everyone in the world who suffers domestic violence to come to the United States under a tourist visa and overstay that visa.

What are we telling our young people by praising these women?  We are telling them to break the rules, don't wait in line, and push their way to the front of the line in their quest for a goal shared by others.  We are telling them the ends justify the means.  We are telling them to ignore the rule of law.  We are not making good citizens of them.  We are paving the way for a lawless society.

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