Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester Bombings and Ariana Grande

You're a parent of teenage girls.  They want to go to a  concert by Ariana Grande.  What do you say?  What do you do?

In today's world, it is dangerous for anybody to gather in crowds.  Is it responsible to let a teenager or a younger child go to a large arena?  I question whether, in an age of terrorism, it is ever responsible to let teenagers and younger attend concerts without adult supervision.  There are other ways to cultivate independence.  I suggest the following

  1. Have her join a service group and take on a project, such as volunteering in a nursing home
  2. Have her teach a Sunday School class and help out on an outing to a zoo or museum
  3. Have her learn a musical instrument
  4. Have her join a musical ensemble and entertain parents or friends at a backyard party
  5. Encourage her to develop a special interest, such as drawing, painting, or scientific exploration
  6. Cultivate a love of books and reading
  7. Encourage her to start a discussion group on various topics, such as national affairs and current events
  8. Give her chores to do around the house
  9. Let her take over the cooking duties from time to time and let her explore her creative side
  10. Bottom line.  Keep her busy so she won't be tempted to waste her time consuming entertainment.
  11. Teach her to see how shallow and manipulative entertainers are
  12. Take her to work and have her assist you in a meaningful way.  Pay her for her contribution.
  13. Introduce her to people who work in areas where she has expressed interest.  Encourage her to read about a particular industry before she talks with someone who does that kind of work.  Encourage her to actually visit the work sites and see how people do their work.  Try to find opportunities for her to intern.
Encourage her to develop interests for her leisure time that don't involve entertainment.  Help her join with others to create their own entertainment, whether it be performing music, dance routines, or reading.

Ariana Grande's lyrics encourage your daughters to be "bad girls."  She sings that every girl wants to be a "bad girl."  Is that the influence you want for your daughter?  Do you want your daughter to envision herself cavorting around in skimpy clothes singing about being a "bad girl?"  Surely that is a waste of her time.  She isn't growing as a person while listening to this trash. 

It is my opinion that this is time to shut Ariana Grande down.  She needs to find a new occupation.  She's a bad influence on young girls.

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