I've been reading Robert Bork's book entitled Slouching Toward Gomorrah. This comment relates to the chapter on the harm done by feminist ideology.
If a conservative woman calls herself a feminist, she can't be a true conservative, because feminism has its roots in Marxist theory. It is the ideology that defines human history as a struggle between an oppressed class and an oppressor class. Feminist theory holds that all men are oppressors and all women are oppressed. Any woman who denies that she has been oppressed by a male power structures has been groomed into denying that she is oppressed.
The solution proposed by the leaders of this ideology is to tear down the male power structure. We see that being done in a variety of ways. One way is the promotion of women in affirmative action programs. It means ignoring very real differences based on biology. For example, in the military, women aren't required to do pull ups or run as far as men in training. They are given special privileges based on their sex. This holds men back. Men have to carry more of the load. One wonders how that will work out in a battlefield situation, where strength and endurance are necessary. Regardless of real differences, feminist ideology requires that the differences be ignored to create an equality that doesn't really exist.
It is not difficult to find radical feminist blogs that take this idea to the limit. Their solution is actually a cruel one. While they talk about building a utopian society built on love, their proposal to create this society is to selectively abort male babies and to carefully select which males are allowed to survive . Then, they propose that the males who are allowed to survive childbirth be kept away from women and carefully monitored in small groups. This is their vision of matriarchy. It is a society in which men will not be free. Men will be tightly controlled by the matriarchy. If it sounds like a totalitarian society, it is, even though it says it favors liberation and freedom.
It is not difficult to understand why this is the conclusion of the radical feminists. The whole idea of a platform for empowering women was launched in Beijing in 1994, during the Clinton Administration. The U.S. delegation was composed of radical feminists including Hillary Clinton. A program of action was adopted there and it is being reviewed every five years. We know what they want.
Girls and young women are being groomed to adopt this feminist ideology. It is prevalent in our public schools.
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